Meaning of یادداشت in Gujarati
- મેમોરેશન
- સંસ્મરણો
- સંસ્મરણાત્મક
- યાદગાર
- યાદગારતા
- મેમોરેન્ડમ
- સ્મૃતિ
- ક્ષુદ્રતા
- મિસાઇલોલોજી
- મેમોનિક
- નમોનિઝમ
- સ્મૃતિકરણ
- સ્મરણશક્તિ
- રીમિસ્પેરેશન
- રીમોન્ટન્ટ
Meaning of یادداشت in English
English usage of یادداشت
- in 1924 she published a short memoir of her husband
- World Series memorabilia
- he told them of his decision in a memorandum
- he told them of his decision in a memorandum
- In the realm of missiology , how the church interacts with those outside the Christian community, ‘dialogue’ and ‘witness’ represent two ends in tension.
- the usual mnemonic for star types is O Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me
- remontant roses
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