Meaning of احتیاط in Gujarati
- સંભાળ
- સાવચેતી
- આશ્રય
- સાવચેતી રાખવી
- કુટરાઇઝ
- સાવધાની
- પરિસ્થિતી
- પરિઘ
- પરિધિ
- ધ્યાન રાખવું
- અસ્પષ્ટતા
- જિજ્ઞાસા
- ચતુરતા
- પૂર્વગમ
- પૂર્વસૂચન
- પૂર્વજ્ .તા
Meaning of احتیاط in English
English usage of احتیاط
- That sort of upkeep had always been done between tides, on gently sloped sandy beaches, where the boats were careened and cleaned.
- There are other things on the drawing board such as using radio surgical instruments and thermal instruments as cauteries that should produce very good results.
- “Be careful now,” I cautioned
- the officials were very circumspect in their statements
- circumspection is required in the day-to-day exercise of administrative powers
- overfamiliarity bred incaution
- he had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice
- The initial postal experiment suggested that true precognition may not be possible.
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