Meaning of برباد in Gujarati
- નારાજગી
- ડૂમ્ડ
- વીજાણુ
- વૃત્તિવાળું
- વિનાશક
- નાશ પામ્યો
- વિનાશ કરે છે
- વિનાશકારી
- વિનાશ
- ખરબચડી
- રુટલેન્ટ
- બરબાદ થયેલ
- ઉદ્ભવ્યું
- વેરહેડ
- કચવાટ
- વ્યર્થ
- કચરો
- નંખાઈ
Meaning of برباد in English
English usage of برباد
- he was not noticeably discomfited by her tone
- the moving story of their doomed love affair
- the castle was ruined when dynamite was used to demolish one of the corner towers
- a ruinous effect on the environment
- rutilant gems
- he spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned
- here we go a-wassailing
- a wasted opportunity
- you are a great waster of time
- a wasting disease
- torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday
- an old wrecked barge lay upside down
Articles Related to ‘برباد’
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