Meaning of سستا in Gujarati
- સસ્તુ
- સસ્તું
- સસ્તી
- સસ્તી ચીજો
- સસ્તા
- આપવું
Meaning of سستا in English
English usage of سستا
- they bought some cheap fruit
- the depreciation of the dollar would cheapen U.S. exports
- they bought some cheap fruit
- we regularly go from boutique hotels to budget cheapies
- we regularly go from boutique hotels to budget cheapies
- higher quality shoes wear more slowly than cheapos
- higher quality shoes wear more slowly than cheapos
- a preelection tax giveaway
- a simple and inexpensive solution
Articles Related to ‘سستا’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો