Meaning of غیر حقیقی in Gujarati
- કાલ્પનિક
- અસંગત
- પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિ
- બિન-વાસ્તવિક
- બિનઅસરકારક
- બિન-અસરકારક રીતે
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- અવાસ્તવિક
- અવાસ્તવિકતા
- અસામાન્ય
- ફેન્ટસમલ
- અભિવ્યક્તિ
- અતિવાસ્તવ
- અતિવાસ્તવવાદી
- અચોક્કસ
- અકારણ
- અન્ડરઆલિસીંગ
- અન્ડરરેલિઝ્ડ
- અવાંછિત
- અસંસ્કારી
- અસહ્ય
- યુક્તિપૂર્ણ
- અવ્યવસ્થિત
Meaning of غیر حقیقی in English
English usage of غیر حقیقی
- a slow dreamy melody
- fictional texts
- she wrote a scene fictionalizing the execution
- she wrote a scene fictionalizing the execution
- nonrealistic environments
- a surreal mix of fact and fantasy
- the wildest fantasies of the European surrealists and dadaists
- the wildest fantasies of the European surrealists and dadaists
- in the half-light the tiny cottages seemed unreal
- an unrealized plan for a full-length novel
- it was unrealistic to expect changes to be made overnight
- the manufactured unrealities of television
- an unrealized plan for a full-length novel
- In these unromantic establishments, romantic dreams are dreamed.
- she was typecast in uxorial roles
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