Meaning of نزاکت in Gujarati
- સિટનેસ
- નિકટતા
- સ્વાદિષ્ટ
- નાજુકતા
- ચિત્રિત
- વિચિત્રતા
- આનંદ
- અવલોકન
- ઉગ્રતા
- તાજગી
- ફેરેટવર્ક
- નિકટવર્તી
- નિકટવર્તીતા
- અવ્યવસ્થા
- અયોગ્યતા
- બિનઅનુભવી
- નબળાઇ
- નમ્રતા
- નબળાઈ
- અંતર્ગત
- પુનર્જન્મ
- તકરાર
- સુવાચ્યતા
Meaning of نزاکت in English
English usage of نزاکت
- miniature pearls of exquisite delicacy
- Many supermarkets, butcher shops, delicatessens and gourmet food stores spit-roast chickens right on the premises.
- physicians are being threatened, impoverished, delicensed, and imprisoned for prescribing in good faith with the intention of relieving pain
- the law should delineate and prohibit behavior that is socially abhorrent
- osteoporosis is characterized by bone fragility
- He is now ready to produce works of art, fretwork , toys, or special assignments.
- the populace was largely unaware of the imminence of war
- he is guilty of some terminological inexactitude
- After analyzing logs from V-Chat sessions, Microsoft Research found that ‘Overall, V-Chat users appear to be using the 3D features of the program to reproduce the social conventions of physical proxemics .’
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