Meaning of چوکیدار in Gujarati
- સર્વોચ્ચ
- બેવિંગ
- ચૌકીદાર
- અલગ પાડવું
- ચોકથી
- ફ્રેમેબલ
- ફ્રેમ્સમિથ
- દરવાન
- રાત્રી ચોકીદાર
- પછાત
- ફ્રેગમિટીઝ
- ચતુર્ભુજ
- ક્વાર્ટર
- ચોકડી
- ચતુર
- ક્વોટફ્રિનેટેડ
- કયાયલક
- ચોકીદાર
- ચોરસ
- સ્ક્વેરમેન
- સ્ક્વેરિયર
- અવ્યવસ્થિત
- સ્ક્વાયરરર્ચીઝ
- સ્ક્વેર્ડ
- ચોરસ જેવા
- ટોપગ્લેન્ટ
- શિરોબિંદુ
- વેક્સિલરી
- વેક્સિલર
- જાગૃત
- તકેદારી
- ચોકીદારીથી
- ચોકીબુરજ
- વોચવાઈઝ
- ચોકીદાર સ્ત્રી
Meaning of چوکیدار in English
English usage of چوکیدار
- the apex of his career was when he hoisted aloft the World Cup
- Evening bus travellers were an exceedingly bored lot, second only to high school teachers, night chowkidars , and government clerks.
- Instead of janitors or custodians, Japanese schools had the students clean up the classrooms at the end of the day.
- Instead of janitors or custodians, Japanese schools had the students clean up the classrooms at the end of the day.
- Cattails and bulrushes will replace the invasive phragmites that have choked the waterways.
- However, he could find many ways to make a sword or a quarterstaff a deadly weapon.
- What we can see is a man who we'd seen earlier working as a security guard in a building below.
- Against this, Disraeli wanted to make the Tories into a ‘national party’, representing all classes rather than just the bloated squirearchy .
- she was squired around Rome by a reporter
- Then the topgallant masts and sail fell onto the forecastle, dragging in the water until cut free.
- But what vertices of anxiety lie behind the gentle opposition of town and country, youth and age when Janice arrives in Dulwich.
- A community of spam vigilantes constantly is improving free programs such as SpamAssassin.
- A community of spam vigilantes constantly is improving free programs such as SpamAssassin.
- payment of vigorish to be made at a later time
- a night watchman
- The fences and barriers, speed bumps and empty watchmen 's huts are the trappings of wealth, the buffers of avarice.
- It's a tower - an old watchtower from the days when they needed watchtowers.
- It's a tower - an old watchtower from the days when they needed watchtowers.
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