Meaning of کشش in Gujarati
- આકર્ષક
- લલચાવવું
- પરિણામ પરથી કારણ શોધતું
- આકર્ષકતા
- આકર્ષણ
- મોહકતા
- સેવિટામિક
- કર્કશ
- કમ્ઝસ્ટિંગ
- આનુષંગિક
- ડિગ્રેસિવ
- ઉત્તેજક
- પ્રભાવ
- ભેટી
- ભરતિયું
- સાહસો
- બોધ
- સોજો
- કલ્પના
- સંપૂર્ણ
- વિચિત્ર
- ઇરોસિબલ
- ફાઈબ
- ગુરુત્વાકર્ષક
- ગુરુત્વાકર્ષણ
- મોહક
- આક્રમક
- ખેંચાણકારક
- ધરાઈ જાય તેમ કરવું
- લલચાવું
- ગુલાબી
Meaning of کشش in English
English usage of کشش
- the town offers alluring shops and restaurants
- she has romantic ideas about sexual attraction
- this scheme could enhance the attractiveness of the area
- a catchy recruiting slogan
- when fossil fuels are combusted, oxides are emitted into the atmosphere
- I used my deductive powers
- a digressive account
- the river was engorged by a day-long deluge
- the notes totally engrossed him
- parents told little white fibs about out-of-wedlock births
- the scene is gravid with unease
- they gravitated to the Catholic faith in their hour of need
- they gravitated to the Catholic faith in their hour of need
- the Latin inflectional system
- sate your appetite at the resort's restaurant
- a tempting financial offer
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