Meaning of अनुकरण in Gujarati
- અનુકરણ
- અનુકરણો
- માઇમેસિસ
- મિમિક્રીઝ
- નકલ
- પ્રતિકૃતિઓ
- દાખલો
- અનુકરણ કરે છે
- મેમ્સ
- સમાન
- સમાનતા
- સિમિલર
- આભાસી
Meaning of अनुकरण in English
English usage of अनुकरण
- lesser men trying to emulate his greatness
- their success is inspiring emulation from others
- their success is inspiring emulation from others
- the show's success has sparked off many imitators
- Barth has always detached his use of plot from mimesis
- the word was spoken with gently teasing mimicry
- the word was spoken with gently teasing mimicry
- Machines accelerate, the near-deafening audio intensifies, and the rate of image replication reaches viral speeds, spawning a climactic mosaic of more than 2,200 constituent frames.
- red ocher intended to simulate blood
- red ocher intended to simulate blood
- lesser men trying to emulate his greatness
- lesser men trying to emulate his greatness
- their success is inspiring emulation from others
- their success is inspiring emulation from others
- his style was imitated by many other writers
- his style was imitated by many other writers
- his style was imitated by many other writers
- a child learns to speak by imitation
- his style was imitated by many other writers
- a child learns to speak by imitation
- As the building blocks of culture, memes influence every aspect of human behaviour.
- there is a striking similitude between the brother and sister
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