Meaning of आयात in Gujarati
- આયાત કરો
- આયાત
- અતિરિક્ત
- ઇમ્પોર્ટ્સ
- આયાત કરેલ
- ઇમ્પેન
Meaning of आयात in English
English usage of आयात
- Japan's reluctance to import more cars
- manufacturers fought to restrict the importation of cheap foreign goods
- Japan's reluctance to import more cars
- he was convicted of trying to extort $1 million from a developer
- he was convicted of trying to extort $1 million from a developer
- manufacturers fought to restrict the importation of cheap foreign goods
- manufacturers fought to restrict the importation of cheap foreign goods
- imported cigarettes
- Japan's reluctance to import more cars
- the president would importune them to try harder
- he yielded to the importunities of his advisers
Articles Related to ‘आयात’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો