Meaning of उन्माद in Gujarati
- ક્રેઝ
- ફોલિ
- પ્રચંડ
- ઉન્મત્ત
- ઘેલછા
- મેનિઆસ
- કુંભાર
- શક્તિશાળી
- પોટી
- નાબૂદ
- ખંડિત
- અવ્યવસ્થા
- અસ્થિર
- ઉદ્ધત
- ક્લિનિયાક
- કર્કશતા
- દુષ્કર્મ
- ઉધરસ
- વિસર્જન
- વિક્ષેપ
- ઉત્તેજના
- અંતિમ
- ઉચ્છેદવું
- ફોલિસિસનેસ
- અસ્પષ્ટતા
- ઉદ્ધતતા
- કચુંબર
- ત્રાસદાયક
- અસંસ્કારીતા
- ફ્રૅટ્રિકેડલ
- ઝઘડો
- ફેરેના
- ફેરેન
- મૂત્રપિંડ
- ફેન્ટેટે
- ભાંગી
- ઉત્તેજક
- ઉલ્લંઘન
- ક્રોમ
- ફરેનમ
- પ્રચંડતા
- ઞનૂન
- ત્રાસદાયકતા
- ઉગ્રતા
- ફ્રોલીનેસ
- ગ્લેડીયેટરિઝમ
- ઘૂંટણિયું
- હાયરોમેન્સી
- સૃષ્ટિ
- હાયલેન્સન્સ
- હાયિલિઝમ
- ઉન્માદ
- હિસ્ટિરિયસ
- હિસ્ટરોજેનિક
- હિસ્ટરોફાઇટ
- હિસ્ટરોટોમી
- બળતરા
- વિશિષ્ટતા
- મેડિયા
- પાગલ
- માનકી
- મનોહર
- તૃષ્ણાત્મક
- માનસિક
- વનસ્પતિશાસ્ત્ર
- દ્વિસંગીકરણ
- સસલું
- હડકવા
- અસ્વસ્થતા
- રાઝ
- ઉતારો
- રોવિંગનેસ
- કંજૂસ
- સ્કંકી
- સ્થિરતા
- સ્ટ્રેબિઝમ
- સમૃદ્ધિ
- માનવરહિતતા
- બેકાબૂ
- માનવરહિત
- અનમાસ્ટ
- પાગલપણું
- ઝાંખપ
- ઉન્મત્તવાદ
Meaning of उन्माद in English
English usage of उन्माद
- crazed by hunger, the population began to turn on the rebels
- Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage
- the band was mobbed by hysterical fans
- When these types break down they tend to develop either hysteria or mania .
- When these types break down they tend to develop either hysteria or mania .
- he felt she really had gone potty
- he felt she really had gone potty
- he felt she really had gone potty
- He was a prolific author and actively contributed to the scientific literature on phobias, pain, habit control, anxiety management, healing, bruxism , and hypnotic techniques.
- The Council passed reforming decrees in keeping with the Cluniac reform movement, including ones concerning simony and clerical marriage.
- public cynicism about politics
- Abscess drainage or debridement of necrotic tissue may be necessary.
- the use of every legal measure to extirpate this horrible evil from the land
- a frat party
- the fratricidal strife within the party
- a frenetic pace of activity
- Unexplained injuries to protected parts of the body such as the buttocks, thighs, torso, frenulum , ears and neck are suggestive of child abuse.
- a frenzied attack
- Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage
- Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage
- the mass hysteria that characterizes the week before Christmas
- the mass hysteria that characterizes the week before Christmas
- the child has been seized with regular fits of hysterics at bedtime
- the band was mobbed by hysterical fans
- the child has been seized with regular fits of hysterics at bedtime
- When these types break down they tend to develop either hysteria or mania .
- When these types break down they tend to develop either hysteria or mania .
- the phrenic nerves
- Imagine getting a door slab, an unassembled door jamb, hinges and door hardware and having to do all the mortising, drilling, rabbeting on site.
- villages were razed to the ground
- the relegation of experienced party members to the status of second-class citizens
- You could describe Brit as spunky, but never skunky .
- unmanly behavior
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