Meaning of उपवास in Gujarati
- ઉપવાસ
- એલિનેશન
- દ્વારા પસાર
- કઠોરતા
- મુસાફરી
Meaning of उपवास in English
English usage of उपवास
- On inquiring, he learned that this man was fasting frequently to atone for his sins.
- On inquiring, he learned that this man was fasting frequently to atone for his sins.
- a five-day fast
- On inquiring, he learned that this man was fasting frequently to atone for his sins.
- On inquiring, he learned that this man was fasting frequently to atone for his sins.
- a five-day fast
Articles Related to ‘उपवास’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો