Meaning of उबदार in Gujarati
- શોષક
- બ્લીબોબી
- ઉકળતા
- શેકવામાં
- તેજસ્વી
- બમ્પિસ્ટ
- ખાડાટેકરાવાળું
- ઉત્સાહી
- ચિર
- હૂંફાળું
- ઉબકા
- ઉત્સાહપૂર્ણ
- યુબોઇક
- ઉમદા
- ઉશ્કેરાયેલી
- ફર્ક્લિંગ
- ફ્રમ્પી
- હોટ ડોળાવાળું
- હસવું
- છુપાવી
- નરમ
- મર્મ
- ભલભલા
- પ્લમ્મી
- કઠોર
- રુફેસન્ટ
- રુટી
- નમ્ર
- બેડોળ
- છૂટાછવાયા
- મુશ્કેલ
- લાગણીશીલ
- ટસ્કકી
- અપકોલ્ડ
- ખોટા
- કપડા
- ગરમ
- વોર્મબલ
- હૂંફ
- હૂંફ વગરનું
- વિનોદ
Meaning of उबदार in English
English usage of उबदार
- she pleaded guilty to manslaughter as an aider and abettor
- the bumpy road
- the bumpy road
- a cozy cabin tucked away in the trees
- a cozy cabin tucked away in the trees
- she sounded ebullient and happy
- they accused him of fomenting political unrest
- skin that freckles easily
- frumpy, shapeless dresses
- that brazen little hussy!
- we cannot inveigle him into putting pen to paper
- The adult Plumbeous Kite is pale ashy grey on the head and upper back.
- cozy reds and plummy blues
- The plumage nearly lacks gray or rufescent tones, and the undertail coverts have much paler bases that contrast less with the tips.
- salubrious weather
- the mountain goat has a long, shaggy coat
- even in her faintly tacky costumes, she won our hearts
- the film warmed our hearts
- the film warmed our hearts
- warmed-over chicken and pasta
- a winter warmer of hot oatmeal with maple syrup
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