Meaning of औपचारिकता in Gujarati
- ઔપચારિકતા
- ગૌરવ
- ઔપચારિક
- વધુ પડતુ આચારપાલન
- ઔપચારિકતાઓ
- જરૂરી વિવેક
- નિયોક્તાવાદ
- બિનઉપચારિકતા
- અફસોસ
- અનરિસ્ટીડનેસ
Meaning of औपचारिकता in English
English usage of औपचारिकता
- The civil union legislation exists because the Marriage Act as it was - the only basis to formalise the legal status of relationships - was vulnerable to human rights complaints.
- he retained the formality of his social background
- The civil union legislation exists because the Marriage Act as it was - the only basis to formalise the legal status of relationships - was vulnerable to human rights complaints.
- academic dryness and formalism
- academic dryness and formalism
- he retained the formality of his social background
- he retained the formality of his social background
- The civil union legislation exists because the Marriage Act as it was - the only basis to formalise the legal status of relationships - was vulnerable to human rights complaints.
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