Meaning of खत्म in Gujarati
- નાબૂદ
- વિખેરી નાખવું
- ક્ષીણ થઈ જવું
- સમાપ્ત
- કપૂટ
- સ્ક્રેપિંગ
Meaning of खत्म in English
English usage of खत्म
- the tax was abolished in 1977
- The IRA's war has ended and the organisation shall not disband .
- the cliffs have been eroded by the sea
- the musician finished to thunderous applause
- the water pump's broken, kaput
- the decision was made to scrap the entire fleet
Articles Related to ‘खत्म’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો