Meaning of गधा in Gujarati
- બૂરો
- બુરોઝ
- કડ્ડી
- ગધેડો
- જેકસ
- જેક્સ
- મોક
- વિનોદ
- નેડ્ડીઝ
- નેડી
Meaning of गधा in English
English usage of गधा
- What if we returned not just mustangs and burros but also elephants and lions to our continent's wilds?
- What if we returned not just mustangs and burros but also elephants and lions to our continent's wilds?
- you great soft cuddy!
- Horses and donkeys produce mules, for example.
- First, you had every right to break up with me because I was a complete jackass and a moron and you had every right.
- First, you had every right to break up with me because I was a complete jackass and a moron and you had every right.
Articles Related to ‘गधा’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો