
Meaning of गोंधळलेला in Gujarati

  • અવ્યવસ્થિત
  • આશ્ચર્યજનક
  • બફ્લડ
  • દગાબાજી
  • ઘેરાયેલું
  • કાંટાળું
  • બુઝી
  • છૂટાછવાયા
  • ચગડોળ
  • નાળિયેર
  • અવિનિત
  • ચપ્પલ
  • ચપ્પી
  • ચેટી
  • ગફલતભરી
  • મસ્ત
  • ચોકી
  • ગૌરવપૂર્ણ
  • હૂંફાળું
  • ચફ્ડ
  • ચીમી
  • ગબડાવ્યું
  • ખાબોચિયું
  • ચંકને
  • ક્લોડેડ
  • બરછટ
  • કઢંગું
  • ગડબડી
  • અણઘડ
  • કોબ્લેસ્ટેન
  • દ્વેષપૂર્ણ
  • મૂંઝાયેલું
  • મૂંઝાયેલ
  • મૂંઝવણમાં
  • ગેરસમજ
  • શણગારેલું
  • કમ્બરસ
  • ગુસ્સો આપ્યો
  • ત્રાસદાયક
  • દુ: ખી
  • અસ્થિર
  • નાબૂદ
  • નારાજગી
  • અપ્રગટ
  • ડમ્પી
  • કર્કશ
  • ફફડાવ્યો
  • ફોઝીસ્ટ
  • ગબડાવવું
  • ફનમેબ્યુલેટેડ
  • મિશ્રિત
  • ફ્યુઝ્ડ
  • યોગ્ય
  • ચીકણું
  • સર્વશ્રેષ્ઠ
  • અનિશ્ચિત
  • આક્રોશિત
  • સમાયેલ
  • ઇન્ટરપોલેટેડ
  • બીકણવાળી
  • નમ્ર
  • લિસ્પ્ડ
  • ભડક્યા
  • માસી
  • ગડબડ
  • અસ્વસ્થ
  • ખોટી રીતે બાંધી
  • મોટું
  • ગંભીર
  • મફ્ડ
  • મુલિયસસ
  • ગાલપચોળિયું
  • મમી
  • મશહેડ્ડ
  • નરમ
  • છૂંદેલા
  • મસળવું
  • અસ્પષ્ટ
  • પેચાહિનચાસ
  • વિચિત્ર
  • વ્યગ્ર
  • વિરોધી
  • વ્યસ્ત
  • આશ્ચર્ય સાથે
  • આશ્ચર્ય
  • વિચલિત
  • ધાંધલ
  • અશ્લીલ
  • ઝરમર
  • રોકી
  • રમૂજી
  • ખોટી
  • સુસ્ત
  • શૂ
  • સ્લોબર્ડ
  • સ્લોબી
  • સ્લુસી
  • ઝૂંપડપટ્ટી
  • અડધો પીગળેલો બરફ
  • સુગંધિત
  • રુઆબદાર
  • સોકી
  • સૂપી
  • બગડેલું
  • ગડગડાટ
  • સ્ટમ્પી
  • સ્ટિસ્ટી
  • સ્ટેમિડ
  • સુસ્પષ્ટ
  • વેગ આપ્યો
  • ગુંચવાયેલું
  • થ્રોટલ
  • કંટાળાજનક
  • ગુંથવાળું
  • સજ્જડ
  • તુવેર
  • ગબડાવ્યાં
  • બરાબર
  • કચવાયો
  • ઝટકો
  • અનફિબ્રેઇડ
  • અવિરત
  • ચરબીયુક્ત
  • યકૃત

Meaning of गोंधळलेला in English

English usage of गोंधळलेला

  • a buzzy bar with live music
  • he was chagrined when his friend poured scorn on him
  • the rifles are chambered for an intermediate size cartridge
  • the driver was very chatty
  • she insisted on being chauffeured around
  • the whole place was choky with tear gas
  • I'm dead chuffed to have won
  • she's become pretty chummy with Ted lately
  • chunk four pounds of pears
  • the particles tend to clump together
  • ultraviolet radiation penetrates the clumpy clouds
  • she was shaken, slightly concussed, and in no state to carry on
  • she could be heard on the telephone confabulating with someone
  • he was a confounded nuisance
  • she was utterly confused about what had just happened
  • The fact that we get along at all with out cudgelling each other to death is one of life's minor miracles.
  • why do you have to be so cussed?
  • you have to work a darned sight harder
  • I decided to disburden myself of the task
  • I decided to disburden myself of the task
  • he was not noticeably discomfited by her tone
  • a dumpy little diner with a "closed" sign hanging in the window
  • railroads engirdled this tract of country
  • I sat down, feeling a little flurried and excited
  • the most frumpish wedding dress ever
  • skeletal malformations such as fused vertebrae
  • it'd be great to be there but I'm not that fussed
  • the grubby face of a young boy
  • The master hub was raised or incused , because the metal was removed to leave the design of the galvano.
  • illustrations were interpolated in the text
  • he was tired and jumpy
  • she spoke softly, lisping slightly
  • a round massy table
  • fine-meshed sieves
  • you've messed up my beautiful carpet
  • his messy hair
  • his messy hair
  • this clergyman mouths platitudes in breathy, soothing tones
  • they heard the sounds of muffled voices
  • he mumbled something she didn't catch
  • Bring on the Wodehouse, I say, that sovereign remedy for any mumpish disharmony of mood.
  • the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling
  • cook until the fruit is mushy
  • she sat down carefully so she wouldn't muss her clothes
  • she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep
  • ‘She should have muzzled her dog,’ Mr Millard said.
  • she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep
  • the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins
  • a deliciously inventive panoply of insults
  • bell music has perdured in Venice throughout five centuries
  • she certainly looked less than her usual perky self
  • she gave him a perplexed look
  • a perplexing problem
  • he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues
  • a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything
  • a raunchy new novel
  • a scuzzy apartment
  • He is completely embarrassed - he is not a sleazy person.
  • The sley mechanism swings to and fro. It is responsible for pushing the last pick of weft to the fell of the cloth by means of the beat up motion.
  • Fido tended to slobber
  • a slobby tourist blithely tosses his candy wrapper onto the floor
  • Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle
  • he was slurring his words like a drunk
  • slushy snow
  • Our results suggest that of the multiple structures which different monolayers form when supercompressed, pulmonary surfactant collapses by the same mechanism as other compounds that form smectic liquid-crystal bulk phases.
  • snazzy little silk dresses
  • Uniform extinguishes individuality, a man becomes a waiter, a sommelier , a maitre d' hotel.
  • a soupy stew
  • entrepreneurs squander their profits on expensive cars
  • a worm that squiggled in his palm
  • He placed his fingers on some strings, and strummed the instrument.
  • weak stumpy legs
  • the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments
  • disappointment was making her sulky
  • he never tattled or told tales
  • international sanctions were then throttling the country's economy
  • volumes bound in green leather and tooled in gold
  • tufted grass
  • the tumbled bricks of the city's fallen walls
  • the demonstrators tussled with police
  • US INTELLIGENCE personnel ordered military dog handlers to use unmuzzled dogs to intimidate detainees at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, according to The Washington Post.
  • missiles whizzed past
  • what's he yabbering about?

Synonyms of ‘गोंधळलेला

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