Meaning of जादू in Gujarati
- મોહક
- કેન્ટ્રિપ્સ
- કન્ઝ્યુર
- કંજુર્સ
- ડાયબ્રીરીઝ
- બહિષ્કૃત
- ગ્લેમર્સ
- બળવો
- જગલિંગ
- મેજિક
- પાદરીઓ
- જોડણી
- ઉપચાર
- ઉપાય
- જગત
- મોહકતા
- જાપાન
- જાદુગરી
- મોહ
- જાદુગરો
- એન્ચેન્ટ્સ
- ઇન્સેન્ટ
- ઉશ્કેરણી
- મેગ્ગોટનેસ
- જાદુઈ
- જાદુવાદ
- ગુપ્ત
- ગુપ્તચર
- આક્રોશ
- જાસૂસી
- રિકોનિસન્સ
- તાજગી
- સુશોભન
- બેસે
- જોડવું
- વાઈન્ટ્રિનેસ
- હોશિયારી
- બુદ્ધિગમ્ય
- જાદુઈપણું
Meaning of जादू in English
English usage of जादू
- Jinx liked that, because there was something reassuring in the countless little cantrips and tricks, so unlike anything he had known.
- they hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend
- they hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend
- the beauty and diablerie of the great actor
- an attempt to exorcise an unquiet spirit
- an exorcism of the authoritarian past
- the glamour of Monte Carlo
- the glamour of Monte Carlo
- an incantation to raise the dead
- When Wee dropped one club out of reach, they continued juggling with the remaining five.
- suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open
- Finish with a colloquy to Christ our Lord, and finally a paternoster .
- journals have a house style about how to spell
- While theurgy (almost by definition) lies within the realms of both magic and religion, thaumaturgy does not.
- While theurgy (almost by definition) lies within the realms of both magic and religion, thaumaturgy does not.
- The leaders of society endowed chantry priests, who were permanently employed to say a daily mass for the soul of the chantry founder and his or her relations.
- they hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend
- the enchantment of the mountains
- the enchantment of the mountains
- Isabel was enchanted with the idea
- an incantation to raise the dead
- priests were incanting psalms around her body
- an incantation to raise the dead
- suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open
- he must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded
- he must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded
- a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo
- reconnaissance missions
- reconnaissance missions
- the traditional emotional reticence of the British
- I remember babbling, high and spacey
- journals have a house style about how to spell
- buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust
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