Meaning of टालना in Gujarati
- ટાળો
- ટાળવું
- કોરે પડેલા
- સ્થગિત
- કરચોરી
- પ્રભુ બચાવો
- વિલંબ દ્વારા પોતાને માટે સાનુકૂળ તક ઊભી કરવી
- બંધ પામ
- છૂટાછવાયા
- પ્રૉર્ગો
- માન
- સન્માનિત
- બંધ નાશને દૂર રાખી
Meaning of टालना in English
English usage of टालना
- she averted her eyes during the more violent scenes
- she averted her eyes during the more violent scenes
- she averted her eyes during the more violent scenes
- he deferred to Tim's superior knowledge
- their adroit evasion of almost all questions
- This forfends what one may call the natural development of the natural man so overlaid with social man.
- James prorogued Parliament in 1685 and ruled without it
- James prorogued Parliament in 1685 and ruled without it
- the execution was only respited a few months
- the execution was only respited a few months
Articles Related to ‘टालना’
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