Meaning of डायाफ्राम in Gujarati
- ડાયાફ્રેમ
- ડાયાફ્રેમ્ડ
- ડાયાફ્રેમ્સ
Meaning of डायाफ्राम in English
English usage of डायाफ्राम
- Contraction of the expiratory muscles displaces the abdomen inward and the diaphragm upward into the thorax during exhalation.
- Contraction of the expiratory muscles displaces the abdomen inward and the diaphragm upward into the thorax during exhalation.
- Contraction of the expiratory muscles displaces the abdomen inward and the diaphragm upward into the thorax during exhalation.
Articles Related to ‘डायाफ्राम’
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