Meaning of तालमेल in Gujarati
- વ્યંજન
- સુમેળ
- વટહુકમો
- ગોઠવવું
- સિનર્જી
- સુસંગતતા
Meaning of तालमेल in English
English usage of तालमेल
- consonance between conservation measures and existing agricultural practice
- we harmonize a scale using only the notes from that particular key
- we harmonize a scale using only the notes from that particular key
- The negative and positive signs on the ordinate mean, respectively, underestimation and overestimation of the expected values.
- The negative and positive signs on the ordinate mean, respectively, underestimation and overestimation of the expected values.
- the synergy between artist and record company
- the synergy between artist and record company
- the synergy between artist and record company
Articles Related to ‘तालमेल’
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