Meaning of दलाल in Gujarati
- દલાલ
- આડતિયો
- ફેન્સી માણસ
- જોબર
- ભડવો
- ખીલ
- દલાલો
- દલાલી
- ચામડીવાળું
- ધુમ્રપાન કરનાર
- ક્રેમર્સ
- ક્રુવેટ
- મેરાડોર્સ
- ટટ્ટુ
- ધસારો
Meaning of दलाल in English
English usage of दलाल
- fighting continued despite attempts to broker a ceasefire
- ‘And to cap it all, Ephesia has got herself a fancy man ,’ he might have added.
- He has written for several years about the ways in which jobbers and middle-men ruthlessly exploit migrant labour in the informal sector.
- he was a good-looking guy, and some said he pimped on the side
- he was a good-looking guy, and some said he pimped on the side
- The square of fabric in the front, however, displays the skill of broidering for its owner.
- fighting continued despite attempts to broker a ceasefire
- Finger-rings and ear-studs, stone necklaces and ornamental chokers , brightly hued bracelets and innovatively shaped pendants are there in rich profusion.
- a band of English marauders were surprised and overcome
- So everybody knows the British are tea-drinking, snaggle-toothed ponces , and gay to boot.
- Vegetables rich in glutathione include asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes and purslane .
Articles Related to ‘दलाल’
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