Meaning of दिलेर in Gujarati
- ગેમસ્ટ
- અવિવેકી
- ખાતર
- મેનલીસ્ટ
- પર્કીસ્ટ
- પર્કીઅર
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- સ્પુન્કિએસ્ટ
- સ્પાકિયર
- ઉત્સાહી
- સાહસિક
Meaning of दिलेर in English
English usage of दिलेर
- they were game for anything after the traumas of Monday
- he could have strangled this impudent upstart
- looking manly and capable in his tennis whites
- looking manly and capable in his tennis whites
- she certainly looked less than her usual perky self
- she certainly looked less than her usual perky self
- she certainly looked less than her usual perky self
- a spunky performance
- a spunky performance
- we were both enthusiastic, resolute, and, in our unequal ways, stouthearted
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