Meaning of दोष लगाना in Gujarati
- દોષારોપણ
- વિલંબિત
- વિલંબ
- વિકૃત
- ડીલેટીંગ
Meaning of दोष लगाना in English
English usage of दोष लगाना
- the inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident
- they may delate my slackness to my patron
- they may delate my slackness to my patron
- they may delate my slackness to my patron
- they may delate my slackness to my patron
Articles Related to ‘दोष लगाना’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો