Meaning of नकार in Gujarati
- નકાર્યું
- નકાર
- ઉપેક્ષાઓ
- ઠપકો આપવો
- પતન
- અસ્વીકાર
- ઘટાડો
- ઘટી રહ્યો છે
- ડિજેક્શન
- નામંજૂર
- અસ્વીકાર્યતા
- નકારી
- અકારણ
- ઇનકાર
- રીફ્યુઝન
- ખંડન
- રદિયો
- અનસ્યુઝ
Meaning of नकार in English
English usage of नकार
- alcohol negates the effects of the drug
- there should be confirmation—or negation—of the findings
- there should be confirmation—or negation—of the findings
- I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms
- the declension of the new generation
- Also every month, the Moon will reach its minimum declination at 18 north or south.
- a serious decline in bird numbers
- my firm's clients were reporting declining sales
- he was slumped in deep dejection
- she shook her head in denial
- she shook her head in denial
- a prominent denier of global warming
- Jill replied with a hint of disapproval in her voice
- Jill replied with a hint of disapproval in her voice
- there should be confirmation—or negation—of the findings
- there should be confirmation—or negation—of the findings
- I refused to answer
- I refused to answer
- I refused to answer
- the establishment or refutal of factual claims
- the Union decided last night to recommend rejection of the offer
- the Union decided last night to recommend rejection of the offer
- union negotiators rejected a 1.5 percent pay increase
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