Meaning of नमकहराम in Gujarati
- ખોટા દિલનું
- પનિક
- દેશદ્રોહી
- અનગ્રેસફૂલ
- અધમ
- આભારી
Meaning of नमकहराम in English
English usage of नमकहराम
- shame on you and your devious, false-hearted marketing
- The Punic admiral's retreat was ill-received at home, and Carthage responded with a larger force, prying out the Romans.
- when his traitorous actions were discovered, he was imprisoned
- The final hymn ‘All For Jesus’ was sung with Lara desperately trying to hide in her book to escape Mr Yorke's glares, appearing clumsy and ungraceful .
- after Anna's kindness I wouldn't want to seem ungracious
- no company ever went from them unthankful
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