Meaning of निर्विवाद in Gujarati
Meaning of निर्विवाद in English
English usage of निर्विवाद
- Does that not amount to the Minister making a conclusive and incontestable decision about a matter of law?
- a far from indisputable fact
- ornate fireplaces give the place undeniable class
- the claim is undisputed
- he thought he would become a storyteller, an unobjectionable hobby
- his musicianship is unquestionable
- an unquestioning acceptance of the traditional curriculum
- his loyalty to John is unquestioned
- the medical evidence is inconclusive
- Does that not amount to the Minister making a conclusive and incontestable decision about a matter of law?
- these experimental results are indecisive
- ‘By venting such indecorous spleen, some might consider that I am indulging in the ‘politics of envy’, as it is called.
- not to get one's sleep indisposes one for the whole day
- The Vitious Affections and Habits and the deprav'd frame of mind to be met with in most Atheists do very much indispose them to be convinc'd by the proofes of a Deity that might other wise be sufficient.
- a far from indisputable fact
- his speech was slurred and indistinct
- irremediable marital breakdowns
- the hope that remains unconfessed
- the unconscionable conduct of his son
- she felt the lie was unconvincing
- the undebatable effectiveness of learning by doing
- the facts of Christ's existence are ultimately undecidable
- the jury remained undecided
- John is silent and undemonstrative, like Dad
- ornate fireplaces give the place undeniable class
- his enthusiasm for the game remains undiminished
- an undiscerning audience
- I reckon we're in danger of raising a whole generation of undiscriminating couch potatoes afflicted by TV-induced Attention Deficit Disorder.
- The spaces within that discussion remained undiscussed .
- she looked at him with undisguised contempt
- I will be courageous and undismayed in the face of odds.
- the claim is undisputed
- Yet at the end of the movie, they appear together, identically dressed and undistinguishable .
- an undistinguished career
- the unembellished truth
- the unexceptionable belief that society should be governed by law
- The next day was as boring, mundane, unexciting , humdrum, dull, tedious, uneventful and monotonous as usual.
- Although extrapulmonary disease is more common in HIV seropositive patients than in uninfected controls, the responses to treatment appear similar in the developed world if patients are compliant.
- the sentence is uninterpretable
- the oils were sensitively painted but uninventive in design
- the unmistakable sound of his laughter
- his musicianship is unquestionable
- his loyalty to John is unquestioned
- an unquestioning acceptance of the traditional curriculum
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