Meaning of नीरस in Gujarati
- એનોરેક્સિજેનિક
- સ્વાદ વગરનું
- હમડ્રમ
- રસહીન
- એકવિધ
- પ્રોસેક
- વળી
- બેભાન
- નીરસ
- ઇલેક્ટ્રોરોપોડસ
- શુષ્ક
- ધમકાવનાર
- ડાયોશિયસ
- એકવિધ રીતે
- એકવિધતાવાળું
- એકાધિકારિક
- નાગરિક
- પ્રોસી
- નિંદ્રાહીન
- વર્કડે
Meaning of नीरस in English
English usage of नीरस
- the soup was thin and flavorless
- humdrum routine work
- the statistics that he quotes with monotonous regularity
- prosaic language can't convey the experience
- tuneful but vapid musical comedies
- This monoecious species has male flowers occurring in catkins and female flowers occurring in clusters.
- her dour, monotonic husband
- the statistics that he quotes with monotonous regularity
- Gao and Fox indicate that they have identified characters that would separate the three species into three monotypic genera but do not discuss them.
- serving out the rations with a niggardly hand
- he junked most of the prosy script his handlers had written for him
- your humble workaday PC
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