Meaning of पट्टा in Gujarati
- લીઝ
- કાબૂમાં રાખવું
- ભાડે આપવું
- પટ્ટા
- કંડરા
- રજ્જૂ
- ગર્ડર્સ
- હાસ્યાસ્પદ
- પટ્ટાવાળી
- સ્ટ્રેપિંગ
Meaning of पट्टा in English
English usage of पट्टा
- she leased the site to a local company
- If he hadn't been tangled in the animal's leash , he would never have inadvertently brought the girl here in the first place.
- she leased the site to a local company
- I had to strap the bag to my bicycle
- A physical examination will determine if damage to tissue, nerves, tendons , or bone has occurred.
- A physical examination will determine if damage to tissue, nerves, tendons , or bone has occurred.
- the tower is made of steel girders criss-crossed to make it stronger
- I'm constantly strapped for cash
- they had three strapping sons
Articles Related to ‘पट्टा’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો