Meaning of पात्र in Gujarati
- અક્ષરો
- કન્ટેનર
- કપ્યુલ
- વ્યક્તિ
- વ્યકિતઓ
- લાયકાત
- રીસેપ્ટેક્લ્સ
- અવશેષો
- લાયક
- ડિઝવર
- પાત્ર
- યોગ્ય
- પૂર્વગમ્ય
- ક્વોલિફાયર
- ક્વોલિફાઇડ
- ક્વોલિઅર
Meaning of पात्र in English
English usage of पात्र
- running away was not in keeping with her character
- a microwaveable glass container
- The ovule is surrounded by integument tissues which produce the seed coat, and in the earliest seed plants another layer called the cupule enclosed the entire ovule/seed.
- her public persona
- it was no less a personage than the bishop
- they do not qualify for compensation payments
- trash receptacles
- the referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery
- a deserved victory
- the referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery
- the deserving poor
- a foreign student is eligible to attend the school
- Canadian courts are still reluctant to hold that partial interests in goods are exigible
- newly qualified nurses
- he is now 14 and trying to become the youngest qualifier for a PGA Tour event
- he is now 14 and trying to become the youngest qualifier for a PGA Tour event
- they do not qualify for compensation payments
- they do not qualify for compensation payments
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અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો