Meaning of पुनर्गणना in Gujarati
- ફરી ગણતરી
- પુનઃ ગણતરી
- ગણતરી
- પુનર્જન્મ
Meaning of पुनर्गणना in English
English usage of पुनर्गणना
- multinationals would have to recalculate their entire worldwide profits according to each set of local rules
- In the evenings, she would look over their bank statements and bills, calculating and recalculating numbers until she found a way to cut out enough luxuries.
- multinationals would have to recalculate their entire worldwide profits according to each set of local rules
- he recounts how they often talked of politics
- multinationals would have to recalculate their entire worldwide profits according to each set of local rules
- In the evenings, she would look over their bank statements and bills, calculating and recalculating numbers until she found a way to cut out enough luxuries.
- multinationals would have to recalculate their entire worldwide profits according to each set of local rules
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