Meaning of प्रवेशक in Gujarati
- ઘૂંસપેંઠ કરનાર
- ઘૂસણખોરો
- વ્યાકુળ
- પ્રારંભ
- એક્સેસર
Meaning of प्रवेशक in English
English usage of प्रवेशक
- Thus even restraint of cross-ownership of newspapers and TV - which those of us in diversity's ranks thought a lost cause - may be carried along in the wave of resentment against the 45-percent-of-TV-audience penetrators .
- Thus even restraint of cross-ownership of newspapers and TV - which those of us in diversity's ranks thought a lost cause - may be carried along in the wave of resentment against the 45-percent-of-TV-audience penetrators .
- pervious rocks
- a waiter ushered me to a table
Articles Related to ‘प्रवेशक’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો