Meaning of प्रसव in Gujarati
- પ્રતિસ્પર્ધી
- પ્રતિસ્પર્ધાઓ
- બિરથિંગ
- સિઝેરિયન્સ
- સંતાન
- બાળજન્મ
- કેદ
- ડિલિવરી
- ભાગો
- દુ: ખાવો
- દલાલ
- પ્રજનન
Meaning of प्रसव in English
English usage of प्रसव
- Ayurveda has very beautifully described the accouchement ward where the mother of the child is to be kept after delivery.
- Ayurveda has very beautifully described the accouchement ward where the mother of the child is to be kept after delivery.
- a birthing pool
- I had to have a cesarean
- women of childbearing age
- she died in childbirth
- she died in childbirth
- he was immediately released from his confinement
- allow up to 28 days for delivery
- the weeks following parturition
- the weeks following parturition
- human procreation
Articles Related to ‘प्रसव’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો