Meaning of फक्त in Gujarati
- માત્ર
- ન્યાયી
- મોઇલ્સ
- મોર્નીંગ
- સીમિત
- સીધા
- નરે
- એકદમ
- ખાલી
Meaning of फक्त in English
English usage of फक्त
- a just and democratic society
- we deal justly with complaints
- questions that cannot be answered by mere mortals
- she seemed to him not merely an intelligent woman, but a kind of soul mate
- sounds of Latin music, mostly salsa and merengue, came in from the streets
- sounds of Latin music, mostly salsa and merengue, came in from the streets
- the only medal we had ever won
- speaking simply and from the heart
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અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો