Meaning of बलात्कार in Gujarati
Meaning of बलात्कार in English
English usage of बलात्कार
- it wasn't slavery because no coercion was used
- it wasn't slavery because no coercion was used
- he denied two charges of attempted rape
- the woman was raped at knifepoint
- he denied two charges of attempted rape
- the woman was raped at knifepoint
- the rapacity of landowners seeking greater profit from their property
- he denied two charges of attempted rape
- the woman was raped at knifepoint
- he denied two charges of attempted rape
- unprocessed rapeseed
- unprocessed rapeseed
- the woman was raped at knifepoint
Articles Related to ‘बलात्कार’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો