Meaning of मचलना in Gujarati
- ગ્રીઝલ
- ગ્રીઝલ્સ
- ગ્રિઝલિંગ
- પેસ્ટર
- પરીક્ષકો
- સલ્ક
- સલ્ક્ડ
- સલ્ક્સ
Meaning of मचलना in English
English usage of मचलना
- a grizzling baby
- a grizzling baby
- no grizzling, now!
- she constantly pestered him with telephone calls
- she constantly pestered him with telephone calls
- he was sulking over the breakup of his band
- he was sulking over the breakup of his band
- he was sulking over the breakup of his band
Articles Related to ‘मचलना’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો