Meaning of मैला करना in Gujarati
- બેગરીમ
- ભિખારી
- ભિન્ન
- ગુરુત્વાકર્ષણ
- દૂષિત કરે છે
- ગમગીન
- સલ્લીસ
- સુલી
- સુલિંગ
Meaning of मैला करना in English
English usage of मैला करना
- paint flaking from begrimed walls
- paint flaking from begrimed walls
- paint flaking from begrimed walls
- paint flaking from begrimed walls
- the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity
- they were outraged that anyone should sully their good name
- they were outraged that anyone should sully their good name
- they were outraged that anyone should sully their good name
- they were outraged that anyone should sully their good name
Articles Related to ‘मैला करना’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો