Meaning of विचित्रता in Gujarati
- વિચિત્ર
- વિચિત્રતા
- વિદેશીતા
- કર્કશતા
- અસ્પષ્ટતા
- અફવા
- ઘર્ષણ
- શૂન્યતા
- એસ્ટ્રંજમેન્ટ્સ
- વિશિષ્ટતા
- અવરોધ
- પરાકાષ્ઠા
- ચપળતા
- ચતુરતા
Meaning of विचित्रता in English
English usage of विचित्रता
- the bizarreries of small talk
- But now, this t-shirt redeems all the other strangenesses .
- the growing estrangement of the police from their communities
- she was regarded as a bit of an oddity
- for all his peculiarities, she finds his personality quite endearing
- But now, this t-shirt redeems all the other strangenesses .
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