Meaning of विनम्र in Gujarati
- યોગ્ય
- નમ્ર
- દોષ
- હળવી
- મેલોવર
- મધુર
- આધીન
- કુશળ
- સમજૂતી
- નિરાભિમાની
- અતિશય
- સાધુ
- નમ્રતા
- વિનમ્ર
- નમ્રતાથી
- બિનહરીફ
- સાદર
- રોન્ડલ્સ
- સબપેક્ટીનેટેડ
- દુષ્ટ
- પ્રતિનિધિત્વ
- રુમલ
Meaning of विनम्र in English
English usage of विनम्र
- In all such cases, I will argue, political discrimination can be understood in terms of certain corrigible cognitive errors that characterize prereflective xenophobia.
- she was courteous and obliging to all
- a cheap and docile workforce
- her gentle voice
- I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help
- fuller-flavored whiskeys mellow with wood maturation
- a submissive, almost sheeplike people
- they were too tactful to say anything
- take care not to condescend to your reader
- a cheap and docile workforce
- a down-to-earth view of marriage
- the meek compliance of our politicians
- the meek compliance of our politicians
- we should not meekly accept this fate
- he was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise
- he modestly shrugged off the tributes from his manager
- at the point where these paths join there is a rondel with a fountain
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