Meaning of विनीत in Gujarati
- સુસંગતપણે
- કોય
- કોયર
- કોયેસ્ટ
- દયાળુ
- નમ્ર
- ભોળું જેવું
- સુવાહ્ય
- આદરણીય
- સ્વાભાવિક
- અવિરત
Meaning of विनीत in English
English usage of विनीत
- she treated him to a coy smile of invitation
- she treated him to a coy smile of invitation
- she treated him to a coy smile of invitation
- smiling and gracious in defeat
- I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help
- he was placable in his animosities and affectionate in his family
- they sit in respectful silence
- corrections should be neat and unobtrusive
- corrections should be neat and unobtrusive
Articles Related to ‘विनीत’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો