Meaning of शराबी in Gujarati
- આલ્કોહોલિક
- બીબ
- બિબર
- બિબ્સ
- બાઇબર
- બાઇબલસ
- બૂઝર
- બૂઝર્સ
- મૂર્ખ
- ઘડાયેલું
- શરાબી
- નશામાં
- ફ્લુફાયર
- ફ્લફીસ્ટ
- રુંવાટીવાળું
- ગ્રેગિએસ્ટ
- કડક
- ગ્રેગગીયર
- દ્વેષપૂર્ણ
- સોકેરર્સ
- સોપ
- સોસો
- પથ્થરમારો
Meaning of शराबी in English
English usage of शराबी
- beer is the favorite alcoholic drink
- a wine-bibber
- a wine-bibber
- Certainly, he's a bibulous , gregarious fellow of many appetites, who not only acts and directs, but writes biographies and screenplays, and moonlights as a literary critic for a national newspaper.
- It won't stop alcoholics or regular boozers but it will moderate consumption.
- It won't stop alcoholics or regular boozers but it will moderate consumption.
- It was a difficult choice by anyone's reckoning: suffer the cackling of crapulent in-laws tanking themselves up on festive sherry, or make your excuses and leave the room to go and suffer the Christmas Supplement.
- I'm surprised to see Graham spouting crapulous nonsense like this
- Envisioning a new medical speciality to address this ailment, the AACI built a network of private institutions to treat habitual drunkards .
- gangs of drunken youths roamed the streets
- she was drunk on vodka
- she was drunk on vodka
- fluffy white clouds
- fluffy white clouds
- fluffy white clouds
- the sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy
- the sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy
- the sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy
- beers with a malty flavor
- my agent telephones as a sop but never finds me work
- The guy at the bar was a souse , a wino.
- add 3 oz of stoned black olives
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