Meaning of शिकंजा in Gujarati
- પકડ
- નાની સાણસી કે ચીમટી
- લાકડાંઈ નો વહેર
- ફીટ
- વેઇઝ
- વિઝ
Meaning of शिकंजा in English
English usage of शिकंजा
- his biggest gripe is that he has lost his sense of privacy
- I was force-fed vegetables as a nipper
- Place the marked sheet on sawhorses and cut along the penciled lines with a circular saw set to the proper depth.
- screw the hinge to your new door
Articles Related to ‘शिकंजा’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો