Meaning of सिपाही in Gujarati
- કોન્સ્ટેબલ
- મસ્કિટિયર
- સ્પાહી
- જર્મન લશ્કરનો ભાલાથી સજજ ઘોડેસવાર સૈનિક
- સિપાહીઓ
Meaning of सिपाही in English
English usage of सिपाही
- The police constables had given clear and credible evidence of the circumstances in which the identification took place.
- Effective as these weapons were, infantrymen still needed forked stands as props for aiming and firing; and since they were slow to load, pikemen had to be included in battalions to protect musketeers from enemy cavalry charges.
- By his coming, the life of the spahi is saved; but his fear of his old comrades is such that he refuses to accept aid until they have themselves departed another way.
- The lancers wore the czapka of the Polish uhlans , the hussars wore the dolmans of Hungarian horsemen.
- he could see the sepoy infantry advancing
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