Meaning of सुखद in Gujarati
- ચાન્સીઅર
- ચાન્સીસીટ
- આનંદપ્રદ
- નમ્રતા
- આનંદદાયક
- આનંદ
- દાવો
- આનંદથી
- સુખી
- હસવું
- સુસક્યુઅર
- સફળ
Meaning of सुखद in English
English usage of सुखद
- the screening process was likely to be chancy and unreliable
- the screening process was likely to be chancy and unreliable
- the decision is aimed at making shopping more enjoyable
- I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help
- I arrived in a mood of pleasurable anticipation
- they were given showers and deloused
- an avenue of pleached limes
- the summer passed pleasantly
- His on-field partnership with fellow Galway great Frank Stockwell saw the pair earn the sobriquet of the ‘Terrible Twins’ - a name borne of their almost telepathic understanding.
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