Meaning of অতিপ্রাকৃত in Gujarati
- અસ્વાભાવિક
- વૃદ્ધાર્થ
- અતિસંવેદનશીલ
- ગુપ્ત
- ગુપ્તચર
- પ્રસૈતિક
- અદભૂત
- સુપરક્રેટિસિયસ
- સુપરક્રિટિકલ
- સુપરનાક્યુલર
- સુપરનેનલ
- અલૌકિક
- અલૌકિકતા
- સુપરરાડિકલ
- સુપરપિરિટ્યુઅલ
- અતિશયોક્તિય
- અતિશય
- અતિશયોક્તિયુક્ત
- આત્યંતિક
- અલ્ટ્રાપ્યુર
- અલ્ટ્રાડ
Meaning of অতিপ্রাকৃত in English
English usage of অতিপ্রাকৃত
- an eerie green glow in the sky
- an eldritch screech
- Titled ‘Looking Out for Number One,’ the dance presents a hyperphysical look at the nature of competition.
- a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo
- autumn had arrived with preternatural speed
- Here the name of the possible supernal comes forward as a face full of brilliance, a self-organizing principle in the complex geometry of chance and revelation, an entire ethics, really.
- a supernatural being
- a supernormal human
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