Meaning of অপবিত্রতা in Gujarati
- દૂષણ
- દૂષણો
- અશુદ્ધિઓ
- અપવિત્ર
- અપશબ્દો
- અશુદ્ધિ
- અપવિત્રતા
Meaning of অপবিত্রতা in English
English usage of অপবিত্রতা
- the contamination of his morals
- the contamination of his morals
- the purification of all defilements
- the desecration of a grave
- the desecration of a grave
- They also maintained that illness, poverty, business failure, or any other misfortune is simply due to sin and spiritual impurity .
- an outburst of profanity
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અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો