Meaning of অবিশ্বস্ত in Gujarati
- વિશ્વાસુ
- નિર્ભીક
- અસહાય
- અપ્રતિષ્ઠિત
- અજાણ્યા
- અપરિચિત
- બેશક
- અનિયંત્રિત
- અવ્યવસ્થિત
- અનિશ્ચિત
- અનબિશપ
- અનબ્યુઝ્ડ
- અસંતુષ્ટ
- અવિશ્વસનીય
- અસ્વીકૃત
- અવિસ્તાર
- અવિવાદનીય
- બેવફા
- અવિરત
- બેશરમ
- દુ: ખી
- બેફામ
- અનસલવ્ડ
- બિનસલાહભર્યા
- અનટ્રાઇડ
- અવિનયી
- અતૂટ
- અસત્ય
- અસ્વસ્થ
- અનટવિસ્ટ
- અવિચારી
Meaning of অবিশ্বস্ত in English
English usage of অবিশ্বস্ত
- her faithless lover
- he unbelted his kimono
- some hands would be unbiddable if we applied that rule to them
- It's very hard at the moment to read that mood, but it's uncertain, slightly fearful, unconfident .
- an uncredited role in a movie
- woe betide any maid who left a corner undusted
- We speak of faithful, and unfaithful portraits.
- waters that are ice-covered remain unstirred by wind
- untruss the guinea fowl and carve into portions
- Thomas considered her to be devious and untrustworthy
- companies issuing untruthful recruitment brochures
- he untwisted the wire and straightened it out
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