Meaning of আনন্দিত in Gujarati
- ખુશખુશાલ
- પ્રસન્ન
- ખુશીથી
- ગ્લેડિંગ
- ખુશીઓ
- આનંદ કરો
- આનંદિત
Meaning of আনন্দিত in English
English usage of আনন্দিত
- a cheerful voice
- I'm really glad to hear that
- Albion's lessening shore could grieve or glad mine eye
- Albion's lessening shore could grieve or glad mine eye
- Albion's lessening shore could grieve or glad mine eye
- he rejoiced in her spontaneity and directness
Articles Related to ‘আনন্দিত’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો