Meaning of আস্থেনোস্ফিয়ার in Gujarati
Meaning of আস্থেনোস্ফিয়ার in English
English usage of আস্থেনোস্ফিয়ার
- Because the downgoing slab of lithosphere is heavier than the plastic asthenosphere below, it tends to sink passively; and the older the lithosphere, the steeper the dip.
Synonyms of ‘আস্থেনোস্ফিয়ার’
Antonyms of ‘আস্থেনোস্ফিয়ার’
Articles Related to ‘আস্থেনোস্ফিয়ার’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો