Meaning of একগুঁয়ে in Gujarati
- ચેસ્ટિયર
- ચેસ્ટિસ્ટ
- છાતીવાળું
- માધ્યમિક
- જિદ્દી
- મત આપ્યો
- નબળું
- હઠીલા
- વિકૃત માનસવાળું અને જક્કી
Meaning of একগুঁয়ে in English
English usage of একগুঁয়ে
- a chesty cough
- a chesty cough
- a chesty cough
- I argued this point with him, but he was obdurate
- You can have really strong, obstinate opinions, so long as your facts are true, you're OK.
- an arrogant and opinionated man
- he worked with a pertinacious resistance to interruptions
- two stubborn young people intent on doing their own thing
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